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Project introduction

1. Goals and missions
a) Introduce and promote the ethnic policies of the Party, the State and cultural heritage of ethnic minorities of Vietnam to the world. At the same time refute the plot of "peaceful evolution" in the field of culture and ideology.
b) Contribute to strengthening and promoting Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity, the great unity of the nation, the love of homeland and the country, in close connection with the development of the Vietnamese ethnic community in the process of promoting industrialization, modernization and international integration.
c) Create, complete and digitize the archive of culture, literature and arts of the Vietnamese ethnic community in general and the ethnic minorities in particular, which inherited documents from ethnologist, anthropologist, cultural writer and previous literary and artistic works.
d) Work as supplementing materials for teaching, in-depth research, exchange and development of culture among ethnic groups. In addition, this is also a handbook which provides the basic knowledge for cadres of people such as teachers, border guards, island soldiers and other beneficiaries at home and abroad.
2. Project’s content
The project includes surveys, investigation, researches, collections, documentary systems; as well as creating, publishing, distributing and promoting literary and artistic works on ethnic minorities in Vietnam in the form of printed books, electronic books (Ebooks), 3D books, documentaries, thematic films and digital library system. Specifically:
a) Printed books: From the archive of more than 2,500 works carefully studied, collected and composed; about 1,500 works have been edited, compiled and published.
b) Electronic books (Ebooks): 1,500 e-books are published, which were transferred from 1,500 publications and works of printed books mentioned above. This type of book is easy and convenient to use; is accessible from computers and other electronic devices with a common operating system.
c) 3D books: a set of 54 3D books of 54 ethnic groups is created. The content is to introduce the characteristics of each ethnic group, such as: language, locality, population distribution, and economic and cultural activities.
d) Make 54 documentaries and thematic films about ethnicity, culture, folk festivals, traditional, folk beliefs, traditional crafts, folk songs, folk dances as well as traditional art music ... of 54 ethnic groups.
e) All archives are posted on the project's website in Vietnamese and foreign languages. The website ensures to provide basic and most typical information about the culture of 54 ethnic groups. The project’s publications and works in electronic format shall be published and widely disseminated to Vietnamese and international audience.
f) Digital Library: All products of the project, including electronic books (Ebooks), 3D books, documentaries, thematic films ... are digitized, systemized and provided in the library. This enables readers to view, read, and access all the information in the fastest and easiest way.
Beneficiaries of the project are readers, researchers, pupils, and students who are interested in art and literature, the younger generation; people and soldiers living at border, islands and remote areas; cultural and social centers; specialized research institutes; universities and schools; press agencies. There are 2,450 propaganda institutes of the cultural and ideological system from the central to local levels (provincial level), divided into 5 main categories:
a) Group 1 (900 units): Provincial and National Propaganda Committees; local radio and television stations; Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee; boarding schools for ethnic minorities students; bookcases of border and islands guards.
b) Group 2 (30 units): which serves foreign affairs of the Party, State and international news agencies.
c) Group 3 (50 units): Research institutes, centers for national cultural research and conservation.
d) Group 4 (1,270 units): Libraries of provinces and centrally-run cities; libraries of districts and wards nationwide; libraries of university, high school and junior high schools nationwide.
e) Group 5 (200 units): Literature and Arts Association of provinces and cities under central authority; Literature Association of ethnic minorities and its branches nationwide.
4. Funding sources for implementation of the project
a) The project "Preserving and promoting the value of literary and artistic works of ethnic minorities in Vietnam" is divided into 5-year implementation phases. Phase I of the project is implemented from 2016 to 2020.
b) The implementation’s fund shall be allocated from the State annual central administrative budget assigned to the National Committee of Vietnam Union of Literature and Art Associations. Regarding the assigned budget, the Union fully implements all the process and regulations of the State, compliant with the Bidding Law and current regulations.
(According to Decision No. 1558 / QD-TTg dated August 5, 2016 of the Prime Minister on approving the project)